05 March 2012

The Mets...and other NY stuff

Well, it's just under the wire, so I'd better make this quick. Day one of the #springtrainingblogchallenge. I'm in New York, so let's make it about the Mets, shall we? 

File:New York Mets.svg
It's my first trip back to New York post-baby. I am kid-free for two and half days and two nights, going to work during the day and spending the evenings with my best friend from law school in her fabulous UWS apartment. There have been some hiccups - such as the fact that my i.d. badge was turned off and I couldn't get into the building, someone stole my mouse and powercord for my docking station, and my passwords were so f*$%ed up and my computer was so behind on updates that I wasn't able to actually log in until 4 pm. 

BUT...there have been a lot of positives. Such as, being with my dear friend in a kid- and spouse-free way for the first time in many years... satisfying my cravings for Indian and Thai food...seeing the Chrysler building up close and personal again...wine(s) with dinner...seeing another dear friend's week old baby girl and holding her for a good long time...using my Duane Reade loyalty card again to spend $45 on $30 worth of merchandise...having $5 on an old Metrocard that would have expired at the end of March and using it to get to and from work...and not feeling guilty about being away, knowing that the girls are in the ever-capable hands of both the nanny and my husband.

And I did see Citifield on the Amtrak train on Sunday, so I guess there's my real connection to MLB. Sadly, in our 4+ years of living here, I never made it to an actual game. Or a Yankees game, which I probably would have preferred. I still hate the Mets for stealing away Barry Bonds and Bobby Bonilla. Yeah, I can really hold a grudge.


mm said...

Holding a grudge in sports is allowed. Enjoy NY.

dw said...

Welcome to your first blogging challenge! I went with the Mets as well. Say hi to the law school friends for me!

Jill, Benevolent Dictator said...

I'm so jealous of your kid free time! I'm sure I would be homesick and miss my kids incredibly, but time alone sounds wonderful.

LH said...

Enjoyed reading this. You never made it to a game in 4 years? ??? Not trying to diss you, but next time you live in NY for 4 years, head over to the ballpark, please!

Bethn8r said...

I know! I'm really embarrassed about that.