04 January 2005

Happy Birthday to Me!

I love that my birthday is so close to New Year's Day...I get the two concepts wrapped up in each other, and I always feel like my birthday is a great time to start new things. This year is going to be so much different than last year...A beautifully painted house on the Hill, great new friends (as well as the original cast members - Janie, Cookie, Joely, Katie, Sarah, and Jill - who continue to delight year after year), interviews for fabulous new jobs...Yay, 29!

03 January 2005

Last Day...

...to pretend that thirty isn't RIGHT THERE IN FRONT OF ME. Actually, I'm completely fine with it. Tomorrow is my 29th Birthday, and I'm actually looking forward to this last year of my twenties. I think it's going to be a big one, and as long as I get to kick it off with some cake, all will be well.