23 February 2012

Curse you, Etsy, and your unrealistic expectations

Oh, for serious. Etsy is advocating this:

How lovely! You think. What fun! I've got at least that many things in my "Crafts for the Kids" folders on Pinterest, that should be no problem!

Except for this:


Between working full-time, trying to be a halfway decent wife and daughter, keeping my kids and cats alive and somewhat clean and reasonably well-fed, and being in contact enough so my friends don't think I fell into the ocean, who the f&$% has time for this? Not me, not my friends. I have to completely outsource cleaning the house, how on earth could I take on a three-hour project every fracking evening?

Sure, it's a fabulous idea! I would LOVE to indulge that. I have no aversion to crafts -- in fact, I'm always working on a knitting project or two, and I'd love to do more. And I fully admit to purchasing the tools to put together the awesome "tooth fairy door" as seen on my Pinterest account. But to complete one thing a day? Fully complete it? Geez. Shoot for the moon, why don't you.

I ALSO HAVE ENOUGH TO FEEL GUILTY ABOUT NOT DOING. I'm not as patient as I could/should be, I don't spend enough time hanging out with my children, my clothes aren't neatly put away, I rarely remove the hairball on the shower floor, I didn't bake Christmas cookies this year, I don't exercise enough...I don't need to add to that, "feeling guilty for not 'creating' enough".


Luckily, little Cinderella has no loose teeth yet - this is going to take me at least four months to finish.