14 March 2012

The Marlins/Marlons

Because a ski vacation awaits, I'm going to have to make this a quick one. The fact that it's going to be 60 today does not dampen my enthusiasm for some adult time with out-of-town friends! I will ski on slush to get out of the house and socialize with a glass of wine -- literally.

Miami Marlins
I'm going to go with the Marlins. Wikipedia has a section in their Marlin entry entitled "Birth of the Marlins," but to be more precise, I think it should say "Hatching of the Marlins."

Marlons that I think are more interesting than the Marlins:

Marlon Brando. The greatest movie actor of all time? Perhaps.

Marlon Jackson. He was born several weeks premature, and had a twin brother who died shortly after birth. Also, he is/was a successful real estate agent in Southern California. I knew none of this prior to today.

Marlon Wayans. He attended the LaGuardia High School of the Performing Arts (the school from Fame) and Howard University.

Yeah, that's all I've got. Did I miss anyone?


mm said...

Marlons or more interesting than Marlins.

dw said...

Nice. Where are you going skiing? We're going skiing in a couple of weeks and I am going to try snowboarding on a hill slightly bigger than Hyland Park!

Bethn8r said...

Sugarbush, in Vermont. We haven't been skiing since our honeymoon, so this will be interesting!!

Bethn8r said...

Hey DW, is it weird or awesome that I've already scheduled blog posts to go up while we're gone? I blogged AHEAD.

Jim said...

Wikipedia is an unreliable source. Please don't use it for academic purposes. Thank you. Signed: Every teacher that ever spoke.

Jim said...

FYI: I don't believe it's unreliable. I was making fun of people who think it is unreliable.

And now we can all go on with our normal day.