19 January 2012


As in, mind yours. Why is it that on Facebook (in particular), manners and good judgment sometimes go completely out the window? I mean, it's not like the concept of web anonymity applies here - your name (and picture) is appended to everything you say.

Why do people use such poor judgment about posting on other people's walls, posts, etc.?

Foul language, lewd comments - c'mon. Don't be gross. My PARENTS and IN-LAWS and COWORKERS are on Facebook...why do you think it's okay to say stuff like this, even if it is "in jest"?

Say whatever you want on your on wall, just don't put it on mine. It's rude and disrespectful. Stop it, or I will block you from commenting at all.

Reserve the space for that douchey guy who posts links to articles that he admits he hasn't read, but then literally shames people for not knowing anything about the issue. Of course, that's a whole other blog post...

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