22 January 2012

Coming to an End

These fabulous days of getting a paycheck without working are coming to a close...as of tomorrow, they will expect me to do stuff in order to get paid. Bummer. As mentioned previously, I had so many hopes of what could get accomplished during this maternity leave. Here's what ACTUALLY happened:

1) Kid 1 is a well-adjusted kindergartner. Check. She's even learning to ice skate. Bonus points for that one.
2) Kid 2 is a happy, healthy, almost four-month-old. Well done, me!
3) I uploaded January's pictures from our camera to the computer...but wait, there's MORE! I then EDITED said pictures and uploaded them to Facebook!! I know, and it's not even February yet!!
4) I'm almost done with someone's Christmas present. A "luscious, cable-knit cowl." Uh huh. Fail. I couldn't even hit Orthodox Christmas, or Chinese New Year. There is no excuse.
5) The house is about 9/10ths moved into. Seeing as that's about 5/8ths farther then we've gotten in any of our other residences, I'm okay with that.

Good enough. Maybe I'll get another maternity leave in a couple of years, so I can try to improve upon my stats. Because 22 years of financial support and a lifetime of worry is a fair trade for 4 months fully paid time off. Oh no, it really is. Believe me.


Family Travellers said...

Makes you almost consider moving to Sweden where you get a whole year off!

Bethn8r said...

I know! Those Scandinavian countries really know how to do things right! I feel fortunate I got paid leave at all -- when I had my first child I was working for the federal government, and it was all unpaid. It was a pretty stressful time.