25 March 2012

Diamond[back]s are a girl's best friend.

And I'm super excited that tomorrow is Monday, because Smash is on!!


Why can't we have a tv blog challenge? I promise my posts would be so much more on point.

Arizona baseball, yadda yadda...KATHERINE MCPHEE!!!

If the promos are any indication, it's going to be a good episode.

Monday nights at 10, on NBC...after the show where my boyfriend sits in a chair wearing a sweater and there are singers The Voice.


KC said...

That's the beauty of blogging: we CAN have a tv challenge! All you have to do is pose it and people will play.

Bethn8r said...

But, sadly, the readership bump for my blog is due to Dan's fellow blog challenge contestants...I'm not sure enough people read me to make it a full-on "challenge". I would be up for trying, though!

Anonymous said...

I'll take that challenge. I only watch 4 shows, though, so it might get a little redundant. But I could guarantee you at least three posts dedicated to Nathan Fillion.

Jill, Benevolent Dictator said...

I'm up for a tv challenge since all I do is watch tv.

Bethn8r said...

Well, once this challenge is over, I will suggest one of my own! I'm glad you all want to participate.

And the more Nathan Fillion, the better...that's a given.