21 July 2005

Resigned...and yet heartened

I mean, I'm as liberal as the next Mondale supporter, but I think that fighting the impending nomination of John Roberts is futile and impractical. This is assuming, of course, that the French Fry-eating teen and the brief mention in favor of a ban on federally-funded abortion-related counseling are the biggest bombshells we can find on Judge Roberts...sans a neo-con smoking gun, or, say, the malicious and irresponsible outing of an undercover government agent, he looks like the guy.

Seriously, this is not that bad. In fact, it's probably the best solution yet. So, like it or not, and believe me I don't, it's their turn to pick, and I think choosing a candidate who does not ostracize everyone to the left of Tucker is the smartest thing that W's done since giving up blow.

This may cheer those who are still bereft: while in private practice, Roberts represented 19 states that, along with the federal government, sought to break up Microsoft Corporation. So this may work out for the best.

So, let's all take off the whiny hat for a while, and take this for what it appears to be - not the worst of all possible worlds.

For now, anyway...

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