27 April 2005

The Progeny of the Britster

By request from a far-off land...Some musings about the possible baby names for Childe Federline...

Ruth - Hebrew for "model of righteous convert." You know, in light of Britney's conversion to Kabbalah...dang, that girl's devout.

Aidan, Madison, Kaitlyn, Connor or Taylor/Tyler - Because she's trendy. And yet somehow a follower. And because every kid named Tyler has ADD.

Precious (or something that means "precious" in a foreign language). I don't think I need to explain that one.

Emma Sue, Hayley Lynne, Lilah Belle - Because she's southern (although I probably didn't need to explain that one, either).

I hope it's a girl - I have a feeling she'll get bored with it more quickly if it's a boy. Not sure why, just my gut feeling...Any other suggestions?

1 comment:

disinterpreter said...

Sapphire Shalom? Billie Delilah?
Yeah I was thinking Tyler Lynne, and yes, I too find children named Tyler or Taylor are doomed to get abbrevation diagnoses. I am evil...
Apparently the odds for the baby being named Shar are 80-1.