24 August 2004

Settling Down, Figuring Out

It's amazing how long it takes to get settled, once you move. There are the obvious steps, putting things away, painting, getting your mail forwarded, but there are so many other intangible things to do before you can really feel at home. Like meeting your neighbors, figuring out where the nearest grocery store is, and where the nearest 7-11 is when you just don't have the energy to walk all the way to Safeway just for C2, cream, and gum.

Trying to put my house in order makes me focus on putting my life in order. Now that I'm in the place where I want to be, residentially speaking, am I in the place where I want to be in other aspects of my life? Job, relationships, health, experiences? I think a little bit of self-examination, every so often, is a good thing. For me, I find that it's a lot easier to take inventory of all of these other things while I'm sorting through old papers and clothes. Finding reminders of goals that I once held, relationships that I once had (or still have!) helps me to figure out whether I'm happy with the track that I am on.

And in addition to being the catalyst for deep, penetrating soul-searching, throwing out half of your closet makes the room look really nice. I highly recommend it.

1 comment:

disinterpreter said...

I am so jealous! We are on the verge of moving, but alas! No new apartment yet! That is just a little too much excitement for me...am getting tempted to start throwing out clothes anyway.